Dr. Christopher "Chris" Berchild

Dr. Christopher "Chris" Berchild
椅子 & 教授
Theater, 部门 of
艺术与科学, College of
NT 118


  • Ph.D. - Theatre and Drama, University of California San Diego - 2003
  • M.A. - Irish Studies (emphasis in contemporary Irish drama), The Catholic University of America - 1998
  • B.A. - Theatre, Claremont McKenna College - 1995



Dr. Chris Berchild is the chairperson of the 部门 of Theater where he teaches Theater 历史 and Theory, 演奏分析, 导演, 戏剧作法, and Projection and Sound Design.  Chris received his BA in Theatre from Claremont McKenna College (Pomona College 部门 of Theatre and Dance), his MA in Irish Studies (emphasis in Irish drama) from The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, and his PhD in Drama and Theatre from the University of California San Diego.  Chris has worked in theatre for a number of years as a director, 舞台监督, 一个设计师, 戏剧教育家, and in many other areas.  He has served as Artistic Director for the Claremont School of Theatre Arts at Pomona College in California for four years, edited and serves on the Advisory Board for TheatreForum 国际 Theatre Journal, has worked for DeafWest Theatre for the Deaf in Los Angeles, and is the general editor for Peter Lang’s Irish Studies series.  Chris has published extensively on Irish and Czech drama and theatre as well as on contemporary performance.  His other writings can be found in TheatreForum 国际 Theatre Journal.  

Berchild is also the director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Media 技术 in the Arts (ICMTA), which is housed in the ISU 部门 of Theater.  Berchild is also artistic director of Crossroads Repertory Theatre, where he has directed numerous productions, 包括 租金 (2015), 罗森格兰兹 & 吉尔登斯特恩已经死了 (2014), 黑衣女人 (2013), A Midsummer NIght's Dream (2012), 《pg电子游戏试玩》 (2010), 无事生非 (2009), 麦克白 (2008), You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (2006)和 喷火烤架 (2005).  He is currently working on a book project on new media design for live performance and Shakespearean scenography in Asia and Eastern Europe.



Berchild,克里斯托弗. “A Keen Adaptation: ‘Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire’ and Bolger’s The Lament for Arthur Cleary.”  Theatrical Adaptation in Ireland from 1970 to 2007. 蒂埃里·杜博斯特,编辑. University of Caen Press, 2012. 书籍和DVD.

Berchild,克里斯托弗.  “L’Adaptation de Mélopées: Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire et The Lament for Arthur Cleary 德莫特·博尔格.” L’adaptation théâtrale en Irlande de 1970 à 2007.  蒂埃里·杜博斯特,编辑. University of Caen Press, 2010.

Berchild,克里斯托弗. “Ireland Rearranged: Contemporary Irish Drama and the Irish-American Stage.” Irish Theater in America: Essays on Irish Theatrical Diaspora. 约翰·P编辑. 哈林顿.  Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 2008.

Berchild,克里斯托弗. “After the Flood: Resurrecting Prague's Archa Theatre.” TheatreForum 国际 Theatre Journal, 32 (2008), 76-83.

Berchild,克里斯托弗. “This Geometry of Memory: SITI and Charles Mee’s 酒店仙后座.” TheatreForum 国际 Theatre Journal, 31 (2007), 11-18.

Berchild,克里斯托弗. “Toward a Poetics of Urban Irish Performance: Resisting 国际 Expectations.”  Ireland and Transatlantic Poetics: Essays in Honor of Denis Donoghue.  编辑:Brian G. Caraher and Robert Mahony.  Newark: U of Delaware P, 2007.  

Berchild,克里斯托弗. “Irish Odysseys: Mikel Murfi’s Theatre of Perspective.” TheatreForum 国际 Theatre Journal, 20 (2002), 49-55.


Shakespearean scenography in Asia and Eastern Europe

Multimedia/Intermedia design, performance, direction and projection mapping

Modern and Contemporary Irish drama and performance

Classical Asian Theatre Styles (Sanskrit, Kabuki, Noh)

Contemporary Central/Eastern European drama and performance

Human geography, urbanism, and spatial theory