Dr. Mahfuzul Haque

Dr. Mahfuzul Haque
Accounting, Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management, Department of
Federal Hall 311
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  • Ph.D. - Finance, University of New Orleans - 1999
  • M.A. -经济学/电子游戏试玩. Finance /Minor, University of New Orleans - 1997
  • M.B.A. - Indiana University at South Bend - 1993
  • M.B.A. - Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka. - 1982
  • B.S. - Electrical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology - 1977


  • Investments, Financial Markets and Institutions,
    国际金融, 企业融资, Derivatives, Money & Banking.


  • Emerging Markets, Risk Management, Portfolio Management, Investments and Financial

Mahfuzul Haque, Professor of Finance at 斯科特商学院, Indiana State University. He earned his Ph.D. and MA from University of New Orleans, obtained MBA’s from Indiana University and IBA - Dhaka University. He received his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology(BUET). Mahfuzul currently teaches Strategic Financial Decisions, 商业银行管理, Financial Institutions and Markets, 国际金融, Financial Management and Business Finance at the undergraduate and MBA level.  He also taught Personal Finance and Investment at SCOB.


Mahfuzul’s research interests are in the areas of risk management, investments, 金融机构, and international finance particularly in the emerging markets. The author of more than 37 scholarly articles, Mahfuzul’s research has investigated the efficacy of portfolio management and investment strategies and international finance. He has presented numerous research papers at International/National and Regional conferences and has received 最佳会议论文奖 in 2001年的国际金融, 杰出研究员奖 from 斯科特商学院, ISU in 2011, 2018 and McGraw Hill Distinguished Paper Award in 2015.  Mahfuzul’s articles appear in several journals including at 太平洋盆地金融杂志, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 《pg电子游戏试玩》, 社会杂志, 政治及经济研究, Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, 风险金融杂志, 新兴市场杂志 Finance, 金融问题杂志, 国际金融杂志, International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics, Journal of Money, 投资及银行业务, International Journal of Financial Studies, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Global 金融杂志 and Economics, 金融学院学报, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 金融杂志 and Bank Management, International Journal of Financial Studies, Economies, Journal of Chinese  Economic and Business Studies, 中美商业评论, International Journal of Management and Journal of Advances in Economics and Finance, Journal King Abdul Aziz University Islamic Econ and Sustainability.


Mahfuzul has been a reviewer for academic journals, textbooks. Received Emerald Literati Award in 2018 for Review works. He has reviewed papers for journals including Applied Economics, 《pg电子游戏试玩》, Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 亚太商业杂志, International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics, Emerging Market Finance and Trade, SpringerPlus, The Global 金融杂志 and Economics, Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, International Review of Economics and Finance and  International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management and has also reviewed various conference papers. Prior to switching to the academic, he has worked for several years in the Industry, and his professional experience includes working in the public and private sectors holding managerial positions with British multinational companies General Electric Company (GEC) and Duncan Brothers Ltd.

Fin 5/400; Fin 5/440; Fin 5/441; Fin 471; Bus 311; Fin 108 & Fin 333.
Fin5/434, MBA 622, MBA 690.
  • B.S.:  Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
  • M.B.A. Institute of Business Administration  Dhaka University. Bangladesh.
  • M.B.A.:印第安纳大学.
  • M.A.: 电子游戏试玩:经济学;小:融资. University of New Orleans, College of Business..
  • Ph.D.:  企业融资 and Investments, University of New Orleans, College of Business.



  •    M. Ershad Hussain & Haque Mahfuzul (2018). Is there any link between economic growth and earth's   environment? Evidence from 127 countries for the period 2007–2015, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, DOI: 10.1080/21606544.2018.1546234
  •   侯赛因·厄沙德和 Haque Mahfuzul.   Fiscal Deficit and its Impact on Economic Growth:  Evidence from Bangladesh. Economies 2017, 5(4), 37; doi: 10.3390/economies5040037 (registering DOI).Published on line October 02, 2017. http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7099/5/4
  • 侯赛因·厄沙德和 Haque Mahfuzul. “Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Money Supply and Per Capita GDP Growth Rate in Bangladesh”. Published online February 23, 2017 at “Journal of Advances in Economics and Finance (JAEF)”.Vol 2(1), 54-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.22606/jaef.2017.21005 .
  • Shulin WANG, Haque Mahfuzul and Lamb Steven. “中国国有企业私有化.  Transfer of Control Rights and Private Benefits.”.  Published on line May 05, 2016, at The Journal of Chinese Economy and Business Studies.”  卷14 (4),329 - 346. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14765284.2016.1175766
  •      侯赛因·厄沙德和 Haque Mahfuzul.  Foreign Direct Investment, Export and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis for Bangladesh. Economies 2016, 4(2), 7; doi: 10.3390 /economies4020007 (registering DOI). 2016年4月15日在线发布.  This article published in the Special Issue Economic Development in Southeast Asia. http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7099/4/2/7/pdfThis article was the 2nd highest downloaded paper of the Journal “Economies” in 2016, with 2,072 full-text views, 9 Menledey readers, and 1 tweet as reported by the Journal.
  •     侯赛因·厄沙德和 Haque Mahfuzul.  Impact of Economic Freedom on the Growth Rate:         A Panel Data Analysis. 发表于 “Economies”. 4(2), 5; doi: 10.3390/economies 4020005 March 28, 2016. http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7099/4/2. This article was the 3rd highest downloaded paper of the Journal “Economies” in 2016, with 1021 full-text views, 1 Menledey readers, and 5 tweet as reported by the Journal.
  •     Haque Mahfuzul 和Shamsub Hannarong. “Do G-20 Stock Markets Cointegrate after   Financial Crisis’s. Evidence from G-20 Stock Markets”. International Journal of Financial Studies (IJFS).2015, Vol 3(4), 557-586; doi: 10.3390/ijfs3040557. Published online December 10, 2015. http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7072/3/4/557/pdf.
  • Hussain Ershad, Haque Mahfuzul 我喜欢理查德. “Relationship between Economic     Growth and Debt- An Empirical Analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal of Economics and Political Economy (JEPE). 2015年6月第二卷第二期. pp 262-275. http://www.kspjournals.org/index.php/JEPE/article/view/222/387
  •     Samet Gunay and Haque Mahfuzul. The Effect of Futures Trading on Spot Market Volatility: Evidence from Turkish Derivative Exchange”. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets (IJBEM).  2015, Vol. 7, No 3. pp. 265-285. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJBEM.2015.070333
  •   Chen GANG and Haque Mahfuzul. 公司资产结构变化? Evidence from Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment in the U.S. Market”. 中美商业评论. January, 2015. Vol.14, No 1, pp.1-9.  http://www.davidpublisher.org/index.php/Home/Article/index?id=7728.html. DOI:10.17265/1537-1514/2015.01.001.
  • 侯赛因·厄沙德和 Haque Mahfuzul. “Is the J-Curve a Reality in Developing Countries?”   Journal of Economics and Political Economy (JEPE).December 2014. Vol. 1, No 2, pp. 231-240.   This paper is the Recipient of the 2015 McGraw-Hill Distinguished Paper Award at SSE conference presentation at Houston March 2015. http://www.kspjournals.org/index.php/JEPE/article/view/67/195
  •  侯赛因·厄沙德,哈桑·卡比尔和 Haque Mahfuzul. “Depositor Discipline and Bank Risk    Taking Behavior: Evidence from the South-East Asian Financial Crises”. 金融杂志 and Bank Management (JFBM).June 2014. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 178-204. http://jfbmnet.com/journals/jfbm/Vol_2_No_2_June_2014/12.pdf
  • Tarek Zaher and Haque Mahfuzul. “Does it pay to Invest in Debt Free Firms during Recessions?金融问题杂志. Fall 2013. Volume 11, No 2. http://jofi.aof-mbaa.org/56315-jfi-v11-i2-1.585297/t-001-1.585311/a-003-1.585331/a-003-1.585332
  • Haque Mahfuzul and Tarek Zaher. “Thailand Stock Market Volatility and the 1997 Baht Crisis - Analysis of the Pre and Post Periods. International 金融杂志, 2011. 第23卷第4页. 6997-7017.
  • Imen Kouki, Nizar Harrathi和 Haque Mahfuzul. “Volatility spillover among sector index of international stock markets”.  Journal of Money, 投资及银行业务 (JMIB). October 2011. Issue No 22, pp. 32- 45. http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/a_volatility_spillover_among_index_sector_of_international_stock_markets.pdf
  • Haque Mahfuzul. “Empirical Analysis of Mexico’s Stock Market Volatility - Pre and Post1994 Peso crises”. International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics (IRAFIE). 2011. 第3卷第1页. 245-265.
  • 侯赛因·厄沙德,哈桑·卡比尔和 Haque Mahfuzul. “Impact of the Basel 1 Accord on Credit Expansion in Developing Countries”. AIMS International Journal of Management. 2011年5月第5卷第2期.  101-124. http://www.aims-international.org/aimsijm/abstracts/5-3-3-a.pdf
  • Imen Kouki and Haque Mahfuzul. “Trading Volume, Volatility, Order Flow, and Spread: Evidence of Tunisian Dealer”. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets. 2011. 第三卷,第4期,第354-376页. http://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticletoc.php?jcode=ijbem&year=2011&vol=3&issue=4
  • Haque Mahfuzul and Imen Kouki. “Comovements among the developed and the emerging markets”. 国际金融杂志.2010. 第22卷第4页. 6612-6644.
  • Imen Kouki and Haque Mahfuzul. “Volatility Transmission among Developed Stocks Markets”. 国际金融杂志. 2010. 第22卷第1期,6340-6356页.
  • Haque Mahfuzul and Varela Oscar. U.S.-Thailand Portfolio Optimization around 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.  新兴市场杂志 Finance, 2010.  第9卷,第2期,第171-197页.


  • Haque Mahfuzul. “Impact of September 11, 2001 (911) on the Emerging Market’s Stock Volatility”. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2010. 第二卷,第3期,305-327页. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJBEM.2010.033381
  • Haque Mahfuzul and Oscar Varela. "Safety-first Portfolio Optimization after September 11, 2001". 风险金融杂志, 2010年,第11卷,第1页. 20-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/15265941011012679
  • Imen Kouki and Haque Mahfuzul.” Tunisian Dealer Behavior in FX Market: Pricing Decision”. 新兴市场杂志 Finance. 2009. 第8卷,第3期,265-287页. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/097265270900800302
  • Haque Mahfuzul and Imen Kouki. Effect of 911 on Conditional Time Varying Risk Premium: Evidence from Developed Market. 风险金融杂志. 2009. 第10卷,第3期,261-276页. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/15265940910959384
  • Haque Mahfuzul, Varela Oscar和M. Kabir Hassan. “Safety-first and Extreme Value Bilateral U.S. - Mexican Portfolio Optimization around the Peso crisis and NAFTA in 1994.”  Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 2007, Volume 47, No 3, pp 449-469. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S106297690600010X
  • Haque Mahfuzul and Tarek S. Zaher “Volatility of an Efficiency Portfolio in the NAFTA Region.” The Global 金融杂志 and Economics, 2006年,第3卷(2),215-230页.
  • M. Kabir Hassan, Haque Mahfuzul 劳伦斯·莎莉. “An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Stock Markets of Europe”. Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 2006,卷45(1-2),页. 19-40. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40473413?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  • Tarek S. Zaher and Haque Mahfuzul. “The Financial Services Industry in the United States. Recent Trends, Innovations and Challenges”. 金融学院学报. 2005,第2卷(3),第131-145页.
  • Haque Mahfuzul et.al. “An Empirical Examination of Stability, Predictability and Volatility of Middle Eastern and African (ME&A)新兴股票市场. Review of Middle East Economics and Finance. 2004. 第2卷(1),第19-42页. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/rmeef.2007.2.1/rmeef.2007.2.1.1018/rmeef.2007.2.1.1018.xml?format=INT
  • Haque Mahfuzul, M. 卡比尔·哈桑和塔里克·S. Zaher. "Stability, Predictability and Volatility of Asian Emerging Stock Markets." Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 2004年6月第三卷第一期. pp 121-146.
  • Haque Mahfuzul, M. 卡比尔·哈桑和奥斯卡·瓦雷拉. “Safety-First Portfolio Optimization for U.S. Investors in Emerging Global, Asian and Latin America Markets”. 太平洋盆地金融杂志. January 2004, Volume 12(1), pp 91-116. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927538X03000179
  • Haque Mahfuzul, M. 卡比尔·哈桑和奥斯卡·瓦雷拉. "Stability,    Predictability, Volatility and Risk Premiums in Latin American Emerging Stock Markets.” Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, Summer-Autumn 2001, Volume 40(3-4), pp. 23-44. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40473332?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  •  This paper ranked as the top paper in 国际金融 in SWFA conference held at New Orleans 2001.
  • Suk, H. Kim and Haque, Mahfuzul. “The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997: Causes and Policy Responses.” 《pg电子游戏试玩》. 第十卷,第一卷. 2002年春,第37-44页. http://www.questia.com/read/1P3-102273141/the-asian-financial-crisis-of-1997-causes-and-policy
  • Haque Mahfuzul and M. Kabir Hassan. “Diversification as a Corporate Strategy for Family-Controlled Group in a Frontier Market.” The 社会杂志, 政治及经济研究. 26卷,第4期. Winter 2001. pp 719-758. http://www.jspes.org/winter2001_haque.html . This article has been republished Culture-Specific Models of Family Businesses: A Compendium using GLOBE Paradigm (In eleven volumes) Vipin; Levenburg Nancy: Moore Lynda; Motwani Jaidep and Schwarz Thomas (Edition). ICFAI大学出版社,2007.